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When to Adjust Homeoblock/DNA Appliances

When to Adjust Homeoblock/DNA Appliances

How frequently should the DNA/Homeoblock get Expanded?     The short answer is once the jaw has grown larger the DNA appliance needs to be expanded. The appliance needs to be expanded to keep up with an increase in jaw size. Assuming the DNA appliance has...
Link Between Mouth Breathing and Bad Posture

Link Between Mouth Breathing and Bad Posture

Mouth Breathing causes Forward Head Posture     Mouth breathing causes forward head posture. The head is positioned forward to get the tongue out of the throat for easier breathing. During mouth breathing the head needs to move forward to open the airway due...
Sleep Apnea Surgery vs DNA Appliance

Sleep Apnea Surgery vs DNA Appliance

Sleep Apnea Dental Appliances   If you are suffering from sleep apnea, you have likely looked into several treatment options and you do not want a CPAP or BIPAP machine. Can a dental sleep apnea appliance do the trick or is it better to get a surgery for sleep...
What is Myobrace Palate Expander?

What is Myobrace Palate Expander?

What is Myobrace, and could it benefit your child? Myobrace is a pre-orthodontic system designed not just to straighten teeth but to correct the oral habits leading to misalignment and mouth breathing. This overview will highlight how Myobrace aims to prevent...
Stop Mouth Breathing with Palatal Expansion

Stop Mouth Breathing with Palatal Expansion

Stop Mouth Breathing with Myofunctional Therapy and Expanders     If you are interested in a nice smile and you want to stop mouth breathing, you have found the right place. We are the TMJ Sleep and Breathe Center. An beautiful smile and airway performance...
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