Transforming Pediatric Sleep Health


how to cure pediatric sleep apnea


Sleep disorders in children, including sleep apnea, mouth breathing, and night terrors, can profoundly impact their development, behavior, and overall quality of life. The TMJ Sleep and Breathe Center in Vienna Virginia is dedicated to identifying and curing these conditions, employing advanced techniques and therapies to ensure your child achieves a restful, healthy sleep. This comprehensive guide outlines our approach, focusing on palatal expanders, laser frenectomies for tethered oral tissues (TOTs), and myofunctional therapy.


Our Protocol to Fix Pediatric Sleep Apnea and Mouth Breathing


YouTube video


How we correct the underlying cause of sleep apnea in children. We correct hundreds of airway and sleep apnea problems in children every year. The treatments focus on:

  1. Correcting tongue posture, so it does not obstruct the airway during sleep
  2. Increase the size of the mouth and nasal passageway to improve airflow through the entire airway.
  3. Myofunctional Therapy to correct the function of the tongue and facial muscles.
  4. Breathing exercises to strengthen the diaphragm in correct breathing muscle patterns.


The Critical Role of Palatal Expanders in Pediatric Sleep Apnea


kids dental sleep apnea appliance


Palatal expanders are devices designed to widen the upper jaw, thereby increasing the size of the mouth and nasal passageways. This widening can have a significant impact on a child’s breathing during sleep, addressing one of the primary physical constraints associated with pediatric sleep apnea. Dental expanders can be designed in many different ways. Expanders can increase nasal breathing by 50%. Nose breathing is one of the primary ways to stop mouth breathing and prevent airway collapse during sleep.

Some of the most popular expanders we use for kids are

  1. Schwarz 3D expander
  2. Alf Appliance
  3. Twin Block
  4. Biobloc Orthotropics
  5. Myobrace


Dr. Adams Discusses How to Cure Sleep Apnea in Children


YouTube video


Other Benefits of Sleep Apnea Expanders


schwarz expander


By increasing the space in the mouth and nasal passageways, palatal expanders for kids help to promote better alignment of the teeth and jaws. This not only improves breathing but also has lasting benefits for oral health, facial development and a beautiful smile.


Laser Frenectomies: A Light on Tethered Oral Tissues


frenectomy tongue tie


Tethered Oral Tissues, such as tongue ties, lip ties, and buccal ties, can restrict the movement of facial muscles and the tongue and contribute to breathing and feeding problems, which, in turn, exacerbate sleep apnea symptoms in children.


The Precision of Laser Frenectomies


Our practice performs laser frenectomy procedures to precisely release TOTs. This minimally invasive procedure releases the ties, significantly improving the child’s ability to breathe, eat, and speak more comfortably. The use of lasers ensures a quick, relatively painless procedure with minimal bleeding and faster healing times.


Myofunctional Therapy: Strengthening for Better Sleep


Myofunctional therapy focuses on strengthening the tongue and other mouth muscles. This therapy teaches children how to properly use these muscles, promoting healthier breathing patterns and correcting mouth breathing, which is often linked to sleep apnea

Beyond immediate improvements in sleep quality, myofunctional therapy offers long-term benefits, including enhanced oral hygiene, better chewing and swallowing functions, and even improvements in speech.


Case Studies: Success Stories from Our Practice


To illustrate the effectiveness of our treatments, let’s explore a few success stories (details modified for privacy):

  • Case Study 1: A 7-year-old with severe night terrors and diagnosed with mild sleep apnea showed remarkable improvement after treatment with a palatal expander and myofunctional therapy, experiencing fewer awakenings and deeper sleep.
  • Case Study 2: An 8-year-old with a pronounced tongue tie underwent a laser frenectomy, followed by myofunctional therapy. Post-treatment, the child’s snoring decreased, and episodes of apnea were significantly reduced.

These cases underscore the transformative impact of our specialized treatments on children’s sleep health and overall well-being.


Why Choose Us for Your Child’s Sleep Health


The TMJ Sleep and Breathe Center stands at the forefront of treating pediatric sleep disorders with a holistic and innovative approach. We understand the crucial link between oral health and sleep quality and are committed to providing the highest standard of care. Our team is specially trained in the latest techniques to ensure your child receives the best possible treatment in a compassionate, understanding environment.


Night Terrors in Children: Unraveling the Mystery


Night terrors, distinct from nightmares, are episodes of intense fear, screaming, or even running around during sleep, with no memory of the event upon waking. These episodes typically occur in children aged 3 to 12 years and can be distressing for both the child and the parents. Factors like sleep apnea, stress, fatigue, and fever can trigger night terrors. Understanding what night terrors are and recognizing their symptoms can be the first step toward addressing them.


When Do Night Terrors Start?


Night terrors usually start in toddlers and preschoolers, though they can occur at any age during childhood. Recognizing the signs early, such as screaming, intense fear, or flailing while asleep, can help parents seek appropriate interventions.


The Connection Between Mouth Breathing and Sleep Disorders


Mouth breathing in children is often more than just a bad habit—it can be a sign of obstructed nasal airways, enlarged tonsils, or adenoids, contributing to sleep apnea. Chronic mouth breathing can affect facial development, dental health, and sleep quality, leading to conditions like pediatric sleep apnea and night terrors.


Addressing Mouth Breathing and Its Impact


Our practice focuses on treatments that not only address the symptoms of mouth breathing but also tackle the underlying causes. By using palatal expanders to widen the nasal passageway and treating TOTs with laser frenectomies, we can help children breathe more easily through their nose at night, reducing the incidence of mouth breathing and its associated problems.


Integrating Keywords and Addressing Common Concerns


In addressing these concerns, it’s essential to incorporate the keywords and phrases parents might use when seeking solutions online:

  • “How to help with night terrors” and “What causes night terrors in children”: Night terrors in toddlers and older children can often be alleviated by treating associated conditions like sleep apnea. Our comprehensive approach aims to reduce episodes of night terrors by improving overall sleep quality.
  • “Signs of sleep apnea in kids” and “Sleep apnea symptoms in kids”: Common signs include heavy breathing while sleeping, cessation of breathing, snoring, and restlessness. Addressing these symptoms early through dental interventions can prevent more serious complications.
  • “Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea” and “Can kids have sleep apnea?”: Yes, children can suffer from sleep apnea. Our specialized treatments, such as palatal expanders and myofunctional therapy, are designed to treat pediatric obstructive sleep apnea effectively.
  • “What to do if your baby stops breathing while sleeping” and “Sleep apnea in babies symptoms”: Immediate medical attention is critical for any child who stops breathing during sleep. Long-term, addressing potential sleep apnea through early dental evaluation can help prevent such frightening episodes.


Conclusion: A Comprehensive Approach to Pediatric Sleep Health


Our practice’s commitment to addressing pediatric sleep apnea extends to the comprehensive treatment of related conditions like mouth breathing and night terrors. By combining state-of-the-art dental treatments with a deep understanding of sleep health, we aim to improve not just your child’s sleep but their overall well-being and development.

If your child is experiencing any symptoms related to sleep apnea, mouth breathing, or night terrors, we encourage you to reach out to us. Together, we can work towards ensuring your child enjoys the restful, peaceful sleep they deserve, paving the way for a healthy, vibrant future.

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