what is mewing


Mewing, a technique advocated by Dr. John Mew and Dr. Mike Mew, focuses on the correct tongue position against the roof of the mouth. This practice has garnered attention for its potential impact on jawline definition, facial symmetry, and oral health. For many therapists such as myofunctional therapists, Dr. Mike Mew is just preaching to the choir.


Historical Background


Originating from the field of orthotropics, mewing is based on the concept that facial structure can be influenced by tongue posture, facial muscles, breathing patterns and oral habits. It is a well established fact that pressure on bone changes the shape of the bone as it grows. Muscles put pressure on bones and this can effect the shape and alignment of bones in the jaws and face. This is the premise of orthotropics and mewing.


Key Principles


Mewing emphasizes maintaining a specific tongue position – flat against the roof of the mouth, with the tip behind the upper front teeth. This posture is believed to be the natural, optimal position for facial development.


TMJ Sleep and Breathe Center


At the TMJ Sleep and Breathe Center we offer a variety of Orthotropic Palatal Expanders for Adults and Kids. We integrate myofunctional therapy exercises (including Mewing), Breathe retraining and any necessary lip and tongue tie releases. Most of our patients are concerned with mouth breathing, reverse facial profile, teeth clenching/TMJ and sleep apnea.


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Orthotropic Expanders-Introducing the Homeoblock Appliance

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In-Depth Exploration of Mewing: Enhancing Facial Profile


Mewing operates on the premise that the tongue’s position can affect the shape and growth of the jaw and facial bones. The technique aims to harness this influence for aesthetic and functional improvements. Mewing has implications in improving airway resistance, sleep apnea, orthodontics and overall posture. As any chiropractors know there is a huge relationship between airway, mouth breathing, posture and jaw alignment.


The Role of Tongue Posture


Proper tongue posture is thought to encourage better alignment of the teeth and jaws, potentially reducing the risk of malocclusions and other dental issues.


Impact on Facial Development


By promoting optimal tongue posture from a young age, mewing could influence the growth trajectory of facial bones, leading to more balanced facial features.


Benefits of Mewing


Proponents of mewing report a range of benefits from improved aesthetics to functional improvements in breathing and oral health.


Aesthetic Improvements


Many practitioners seek mewing for its potential to define the jawline, enhance facial symmetry, and create a more balanced profile.


Health Benefits


Beyond aesthetics, mewing is also associated with improved nasal breathing, potential relief from sleep apnea, and better overall oral health.


Mewing Techniques: The Basics


Effective mewing practice involves several key steps, each critical for achieving the desired results.


Tongue Positioning


The core of mewing is the correct placement of the tongue against the palate. This involves covering the entire palate with the tongue, not just the tip. Mewing is very similar to several myofunctional therapy techniques.


Mouth and Teeth Posture


In addition to tongue position, keeping the lips closed and teeth in light contact is important for maintaining the structural integrity of the jawline.


Mewing for Jawline Enhancement


One of the primary reasons individuals pursue mewing is to achieve a more defined, stronger jawline.


Mechanisms of Change


The theory behind mewing suggests that consistent tongue posture can gradually influence the shape and structure of the jaw, leading to a more defined appearance.


Realistic Expectations


It’s important to set realistic expectations, as changes can be subtle and take time to become noticeable. Mewing for most adults and kids will produce modest results in terms of facial and jaw growth. Orthodontic appliances such as Biobloc, Homeoblock and DNA appliances in combination with Mewing is much more effective than Mewing alone.


How Long to See Results


The timeline for observable changes from mewing varies greatly among individuals, influenced by factors like age, consistency of practice, and genetic predisposition.


Factors Influencing Results


Age, genetics, and the starting structure of the jaw and face all play a role in how quickly and noticeably mewing can affect one’s appearance.


The Importance of Patience and Consistency


Consistent practice and patience are essential in mewing, as changes are typically gradual and require long-term commitment.


Tips for Effective Mewing


For those starting mewing, several tips can help ensure correct practice and improve the chances of success.


Regular Practice


Incorporating mewing into daily routines and maintaining the practice consistently is crucial for effectiveness.


Monitoring Posture


Good overall body posture supports effective mewing, as it aligns the spine and neck, impacting tongue position.


Avoiding Common Mistakes


Common pitfalls include inconsistent practice, incorrect tongue positioning, and neglecting overall posture.


Common Challenges in Mewing


Adapting to mewing can present challenges, particularly in maintaining the correct tongue position and remembering to practice regularly.


Overcoming Initial Discomfort


Initial discomfort or muscle fatigue is common, as the tongue adapts to its new position.


Staying Motivated


Maintaining motivation, especially in the absence of quick results, is essential for long-term commitment to mewing.


Mewing and Orthodontics


While not a replacement for traditional orthodontic treatments, mewing can complement these methods and potentially enhance their effectiveness. The goal of Mewing is different than orthodontics. Orthodontics is a treatment that moves teeth around the jaws and does not make the jaws any bigger. Mewing and orthotropics, like palatal expansion is about developing and growing jaw and facial structure.


Integrating with Professional Care


Consulting with an orthodontist can provide insight into how mewing can complement existing or planned orthodontic treatments.


Understanding Limitations


It’s important to recognize that mewing is not a cure-all and has limitations in its ability to correct certain orthodontic issues.


Personal Success Stories


Numerous anecdotal reports provide accounts of positive changes from mewing, offering inspiration and perspective to new practitioners.


Variability of Experiences


These stories highlight the variability in results, underscoring the personalized nature ofmewing. While these narratives are encouraging, they are anecdotal and should not be solely relied upon for evaluating the effectiveness of mewing.


Debunking Mewing Myths


Misconceptions about mewing, such as it being a quick fix for structural facial issues, need to be addressed. Understanding what mewing can and cannot do is crucial for setting realistic expectations.


Separating Fact from Fiction


It’s important to critically assess claims about mewing, distinguishing between scientifically supported information and mere speculation.


Consulting Professionals


Seeking advice from dental and orthodontic professionals can provide clarity and prevent misunderstandings about the practice.


The Role of Diet and Exercise


A holistic approach to health, encompassing a balanced diet and regular exercise, can complement the potential benefits of mewing.


Nutritional Support


A diet rich in nutrients that support bone and muscle health can be beneficial for those practicing mewing.


Physical Activity


Regular physical activity helps in maintaining overall health, which can indirectly support the objectives of mewing.


Mewing in Different Age Groups


The age at which one starts mewing can influence the effectiveness and extent of potential changes.


Mewing in Children and Adolescents


Younger individuals may experience more significant changes due to the ongoing development of their facial structures.


Considerations for Adults


Adults can still practice mewing, but changes are usually more subtle and take longer to manifest.


The Future of Mewing


As interest and practice in mewing grow, so does the potential for more research and understanding of its long-term effects and efficacy.


Potential for Scientific Research


Increased interest could lead to more scientific studies, providing clearer evidence of the benefits and limitations of mewing.


Evolving Practices


As understanding of mewing evolves, so will the techniques and recommendations for its practice.


Conclusion: Embracing Mewing as a Lifestyle Choice


Mewing is more than just a technique; it’s a commitment to improving one’s facial aesthetics and oral health. With potential benefits and an increasing community of practitioners, mewing represents a proactive approach to personal health and wellness.

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