Upper lip ties cause lots of problems if not treated. During growth and development of the mouth and jaws, the tongue, lip and cheek muscles play a huge role. The tongue is the only muscle in the mouth and it puts pressure outwards during daily activities such talking, swallowing, breathing etc. The tongue plays a big role in growing the mouth to be the right size a shape. The tongue is our natural “expander” and causes the mouth to grow to be the right size and shape when we are kids.

upper lip tie
Why Lip Tie Release is so Important Video

Lip and Tongue tie releases are done by Dr. Adams in our office using the LightScalpel CO2 laser. The procedure is fast and painless. There is no bleeding and the post treatment pain is short-lived and minimal. Prior to a release, an evaluation and treatment should be done with a certified myofunctional therapist.
What happens if there is a Tongue Tie?
If the tongue is attached too tightly to the lower jaw we call it a tongue tie. A tongue tie is a “tethered oral tissue.” When there is a tongue tie, the tongue does not apply as much outward pressure on the jaws and the mouth does not grow to be as big. In this case we will see crowded teeth, poor facial profile and other examples of underdevelopment in the face and mouth.
There are many functional considerations when there is a tongue tie, such as low tongue posture where the tongue sits closer to the throat and causes airway obstruction and mouth breathing especially during sleep. Poor speech in severe cases can be seen and feeding issues in babies.
What happens if there is a Lip Tie or Buccal Tie?
A lip tie is too tight of an attachment between between the lip and cheek muscles and the jaws. When the lip attachment is too tight, the lips will apply a strong retractive pressure and hold back some of the forward growth of the jaws. We will usually see less facial profile or forward growth. Sometimes the lip tie can cause buck teeth as the tight attachment can pull the upper front teeth forward.
Cheek ties, usually called “buccal ties” can have a similar effect but usually will restrict the width growth of the palate. Lip and cheek ties are usually more of a developmental concern whereas a tongue tie is both functional and developmental.

buccal tie
Why Upper Lip Ties are so Bad Video